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Online Education

Help your learners process information and grasp concepts easier with coursework that’s in their own language. 

Linguistic and cultural adaptations for effective educational videos

Impact student learning by localizing your eLearning courses and educational videos with VideoLocalize’s automated dubbing technology and proven localization expertise.


It’s not just language that impedes learning. Video content that hasn’t been adapted to reflect cultural nuances will cause friction that can make the learning material harder to understand. 


Gain students in as many regions as you wish to target. People are more likely to enroll in coursework that’s in their language because they trust that they will understand it.  


Education content that has been adapted for one region may not work in another, even if both speak the same language. Localized videos increase your students’ engagement with the material.


People love to learn and, unlike traditional classroom experiences, online courses are more convenient. Provide an outstanding experience so your students return for more. 

There’s a whole world wanting to learn

Unlock Potential 

With localization, you can unlock the revenue potential of your existing content. There’s no need to recreate educational videos to suit the needs of expanding audiences. Simply adapt what you already have to reach new markets. 

Accessible to Everyone

Everyone wants to learn, including the hearing and seeing impaired. When you localize your online learning materials with transcriptions, captions, and dubbing, you’re making your content accessible to everyone in that region. 

Help Them Achieve 

40% of online students are more likely to retain what they’ve learned when coursework has been both dubbed and subtitled in their language. When your students feel successful, they’ll link it to the quality of the coursework you provided. 


of internet users have participated in online learning 

Book a Demo

Learn how you can localize all your educational videos with our scalable and proven process at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. 
